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About Me

My name is Talal Javed Qadri. I am an international student at Duke University and I originally come from the city of Rawalpindi, in Pakistan. I am a member of Duke Class of 2015 and plan to become an engineer.

Name Pronunciation

My name is basically an Arabic word so there is no proper way to write down its phonetic pronunciation in the English alphabet but "Talal Javed Qadri" sounds something like "TA-laal JA-va-ed KA-dree."

Grand Challenges for Engineering Articles

Reverse Engineering the Brain, Sally Adee, IEEE Spectrum, updated June 2008, accessed 14 January 2009

Favorite MATLAB Demonstration

MATLAB has many demonstrations and I went through a number of them. My favorite was "Traveling Salesman" demonstration. I found it very interesting that a program which I had thought of as a glorified calculator also included a simulation of a way to form a closed circuit of traveling through a number of cities by drawing various lines connecting the random cities.