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About Me

Hey! I'm Tyler Glass. I was born in Raleigh and lived there until making the short trek to Duke for college. I am currently a freshman in the Pratt school of Engineering with ECE intent. I enjoy athletics, both spectating and playing, and eating food. I currently have an infatuation with the Marketplace and hope that it continues for the rest of the year.

I am especially looking forward to basketball season and have been thoroughly impressed with the spirit at both the volleyball and football games. As a lifetime Duke fan, I'm ready to finally scream my heart out as a member of this awesome Duke community.


Name Pronunciation

"Tyler" like Tyler. "Glass" like the cup.

Engineering Grand Challenges: Making Solar Energy Economical

Latest Cool Bypass Devices from STMicroelectronics Unlock Extra Solar Energy and Cost Savings, Thomson Reuters, created 4 September 2012, accessed 4 September 2012 (Make solar energy economical)

MATLAB Demonstrations

My favorite MATLAB demonstration was the "Game of Life" Demo located in the "Other Demos" section. This particular demo displayed "cell" colonies and based their future (living, dying, multiplying) off of the eight cells around them. Each round provided an entirely different array of colonies, which was particularly interesting to see how each different formation of colonies would play out. Some hardly multiplied while some thrived for minutes. The extent to which MATLAB could pseudorandomly create these colonies, have them interact with each other, and present the graphical output in an aesthetically pleasing manner made the "Game of Life" Demonstration my personal favorite.