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About me

My name is Samuel Reiff. I am a freshman at Duke University. I plan to study Mechanical Engineering. I am from Denver, Colorado. Go Duke!

--Snr21 (talk) 14:33, 13 September 2015 (EDT)

Grand Challenges Article

President Obama Announces New Actions to Bring Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency to Households across the Country Office of the White House Press Secretary, created 24 August 2015, accessed 13 September 2015 (Make solar energy economical)


My favorite MATLAB demonstration was Viewing a Penny. It was really cool to see an everyday object like a penny be represented in different ways with different mapping techniques, color patterns, and dimensions. I also thought it was a good demonstration to show me how to represent different things in an effective way but in a way that it may not have been presented in before.