About Me
My name is Steven Katsohirakis, a hopeful major in ECE with a dual major in Computer Science. I am excited for all of the different opportunities present at Duke, but am admittedly overwhelmed by them, as well. Originally, I am from Salt Lake City, Utah, so I hate the horrible humidity here. Also, I love basketball and skiing.
Name Pronunciation
My name may seem rather intimidating to pronounce at first, but actually it is relatively easy: StEE-ven CAT-so-hi-ra-KISS (the "hi" isn't like the greeting hi, but rather like the "hi" in "hill, minus the last two l's)
Grand Challenges for Engineering
I think it is interesting because solar energy should be a field that is invested into as a serious alternative to fossil-fuel energies. However, the economic recession proves more dominant a force in stifling growth than the urgent incentive for a more viable fuel source with rising fuel costs.
Solar Manufacturing: Not So Sunny Kate Galbraith, New York Times, January 14 2009, accessed 19 January 2009]
Homework 2: Demos
I like the Minesweeper Demonstration because I used to play Minesweeepers frequently on my computer as a child, and the knowledge that I can create the game using Matlab code excites me of the true power that Matlab offers.
User:Sck13 11:56PM 15 September 2013 (EST)