About Me
Ryan Cox is a current freshman at Duke University. Hopefully, he will graduate in 2018 with a major in mechanical engineering. When not in school he enjoys playing golf, basketball and tennis. In the future Ryan hopes to work in the Aerospace Industry and possibly work on technology leading to a manned mission to Mars.
Ryan Cox is originally from Charlottesville, Virginia. This city is most well known as the home of Thomas Jefferson and his brainchild, the University of Virginia. Charlottesville was recently voted the most desirable place to live in America.
MATLAB Demonstrations
My favorite MATLAB demonstration was the example that 3D plotted the Earth's Topography. I thought it was really interesting how MATLAB could use the points in the world that have 0 feet of elevation to map a 2D surface of the planet. Then using elevation data the map was shaded to reflect the altitudes of the planet. Finally, MATLAB is able to generate a 3D model of the planet using all of this data. Pretty incredible that all of this can be achieved by a relatively simple computer program.
Engineering Grand Challenge Article
[1], Kevin Bullis, Technology Review, August 8th 2013, September 13th 2014 (Make solar energy economical)