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Hi, my name is Ryan Bardach. I am really interested in playing sports, especially basketball and soccer, and watching sports, especially the Bengals and Reds. I'm from Cincinnati, and I love being in the midwest, although it is nice to come to the East coast too. I also really like music, mostly rap like Kanye West and Wale.

Ryan Bardach (Rye-in Bar-dak, with stresses on the Rye and the Bar)

My favorite MATLAB demonstration was the Klein bottle. I thought it was really cool even just to look at and try to understand what is going on. It really interests me trying to think in 4 dimensions. The fact that such figures can be created on a computer is very cool to me.

The ultimate hack: Reverse engineering the human brain, Scientific American, updated 8 September 2009, accessed 22 September 2010 (Reverse Engineering the Human Brain).