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About Me

I am an undergraduate student in the [Pratt School of Engineering] at [Duke University]. I am from the city of [Palm Beach Gardens], which is located in Palm Beach County, Florida.


I played for William T. Dwyer High School's lacrosse team, and want to play for the Duke University men's club lacrosse team. Back at home I worked at [Loggerhead Marinelife Center], a sea turtle rehabilitation hospital in Juno Beach, Florida. I love the ocean, and hope to visit the Marine Lab in Beaufort soon.

Matlab Demo

After learning many of MatLab's capabilities through the demo videos, my favorite MatLab demo is, hands-down, the Minesweeper game (found under the Other Demos folder). After a long night of coding on both Latex and MatLab, it was a nice surprise to open up the demos and find a quick diversion. Coming in at a close second is the Klein Bottle preview (under the subsection 3-D Visualization), simply because it models one of the most interesting concepts in mathematics I have ever encountered - that is, creating a four-dimensional object in three-dimensional space.

Grand Challenges for Engineering

The following two articles note advances in solar energy technology, increasing the efficiency and reducing the cost of solar energy. Both examine artificial photosynthesis as a potential method for collecting solar energy.

Researchers pioneer molecular catalyser , [] , created 16 April 2012, accessed 27 August 2012 (Grand Challenge - Solar Energy)

A molecular ruthenium catalyst with water-oxidation activity comparable to that of photosystem II , [Nature Chemistry] , updated 25 March 2012, accessed 27 August 2012 (Grand Challenge - Solar Energy)