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About Me

My name is Kathryn Vera, but everyone usually calls me Kat :) I love soccer, working out, kickboxing, sports games, reading, Harry Potter, game nights, rainy days, thunderstorms, singing, playing guitar, dancing, and learning new things. As of right now I'm a BME major, hopefully combined with Neuroscience somehow, or maybe even ECE, MechE. We'll see! I can't wait to keep meet people not only in Pratt but in Duke as a whole. I love it here!

Current Courses

Chemistry 110 EGR 103 Music 120 Math 212

Grand Challenges for Engineering Articles

EPFL Blue Brain Project Christiane Debono, Blue Brain Project Last Updated 11.6.2015 , Accessed 9.12.2015 ( Reverse Engineer the Brain ) Solving the Problem of Clean Water in Poor Communities San Francisco Chronicle, Rick DelVecchio, Last Updated 5.13.2006, accessed 9.12.2015

MATLAB Help and Demos

My favorite MATLAB demonstration was found in the Mathematics section titled "Linear Algebra," and then a subsection called "Linear Equations." MATLAB can help you solve systems of linear functions! I thought it was really interesting how it functioned practically more efficient than even my calculator. It can deal with square systems, overdetermined systems, etc. I just really enjoyed seeing how you could format all of the Math functions to have MATLAB "spit" back answers of such intense problems.