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About Me

I am a freshman looking to study Biomedical Engineering. I am from Cleveland, Ohio but I, along with my entire family, was born in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania, so I am a diehard Steelers fan.

Name Pronunciation

My first name, Reed, is pronounced exactly as you would expect. My last name, Kreger, is pronounced like the name "Craig" followed by a fake growl like "grr."

Current Courses

Currently, I am taking EGR 103, Chem 101, Multivariable Calculus, and a Writing 101 class on Hunters and Gatherers Today.

Grand Challeneges for Engineering Article, Wall Street Journal, updated December 31, 2012, accessed September 14, 2014 (Engineering Better Medicine)

My Favorite Demonstration in Matlab

My favorite tutorial in Matlab was "Viewing a Penny." I thought it was so interesting to view something as ordinary as a penny that we see every day in many different ways, my favorite of which being the contour plot that looked somewhat like a topographical map of a penny.