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About Me

I am a freshman in the Pratt School of Engineering at Duke University. My current plan is to double major in Electrical and Computer Engineering and Computer Science.

Name Pronunciation

My name, Kevin Tian, is pronounced "KE-vin TE-an." Most people seem to get my first name, but my last name is a quick, single-syllable word that rhymes with "bran" said quickly.

Current Courseload

For fall 2017, I am taking:

  • EGR 103
  • Math 122
  • Chem 101
  • Writing 101 - Language and Power

Hobbies and Interests

Outside of spending time with computers and tech, I love to play tennis and explore the world around me. This includes everything from hiking and camping to traveling to foreign countries.

Grand Challenges

One of the Grand Challenges for Engineering that I'm interested in is enhancing virtual reality (VR) because I believe VR usage will increase exponentially within the coming decade. An interesting article about this Grand Challenge is Researchers Create Virtual Reality 'Matrix' With Unreal Engine, Carl Franzen, Popular Science, 24 August 2015, accessed 22 September 2017 ( Enhance Virtual Reality )

Favorite MATLAB Demo

My favorite MATLAB demo is the Code/Decode demo in the "Other Examples" section because I think encrypting data is really interesting and is something I want to learn more about, especially given the rise of cryptocurrencies and the necessity of secure exchange of data in modern times.