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About Me

My name is Grant Petersen and I am a Sophomore double majoring in Civil and Environmental Engineering and Public Policy. I am from Colorado and love the outdoors. Here is a picture of my dog!


Name Pronunciation

My name is Grant (like the verb "to grant") Petersen ("peter" and "son"). It is spelled with an "en" because of my Danish roots. "-on" usually denotes Swedish heritage.

Engineering Grand Challenges

Want to see how Google is involved in the Grand Challenges? What are the next steps for technology innovation in the context of engineering development? Read about it here

MATLAB Tutorials

My favorite MATLAB tutorial was the Loma Prieta Earthquake tutorial, especially the final 3D graph that showed the fault and the major pressure points or points of contact that caused so much damage. This is interesting to see because I love to see how we can contextualize what we do in class into the real world, much like our labs. My father is a seismic engineer and is definitely an area of interest that I hope to study as well and I know MATLAB will be a great tool to get me there once I have all the skills to program effectively and efficiently.