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The Life of Faiz Sikaffy

I'm from Tegucigalpa, Honduras. I come from a family of five, where I am the oldest child. I have two younger sisters, one is in Junior year in High School and the other one is 5 years old. I love basketball and would love to go to the UNC vs. Duke games. I also aspire to be President of Honduras someday.

Grand Challenges for Engineering

[\ These Brilliant Innovations Are Bringing Clean Water To People Worldwide ,Robbie Couch, Huff Post , 17 September 2015 , 21 September 2017 (Provide access to clean water)

Matlab Demonstration

The Matlab demonstration that I enjoyed the most was the traveling salesmen problem. The reason I like this demo the most is because my dad owns the largest distribution routes in CentralAmerica for America Mobil and many of the drivers who have to stop at several different sales point have a hard time figuring out what could be the best and fastest way for them to do so. Matlab calculates the different routes and sub routes and calculates which one is the shortest. This could be so helpful to my father and many other companies that live of traveling salesmen. This demo really shows us how Matlab expands to solve real life problems.