EGR 103/Fall 2023/Lab 5

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The following document is meant as an outline of what is covered in this assignment.

Typographical Errors

None yet!

Group Gradescope and Individual Lab Report

  • The details below will also help with the Gradescope assignments.
  • Be sure to put the appropriate version of the honor code -- if you use the examples from Pundit, the original author is either DukeEgr93 or Michael R. Gustafson II depending on how you want to cite things.
  • Note that you will need to add plt.ion() after you import matplotlib.pyplot to make sure your codes interactively update.

Chapra 2.15

  • Use fig.set_size_inches(6, 4, forward=True) to make the graph the correct size.
  • To see all the colormaps, after importing the cm group just type
to see the names or go to Colormap Reference to see the color maps - only the ones listed with the help command are actually installed. Avoid the qualitative maps, flag, and prism.

Chapra 2.28

  • Similar to 2.27 from last week. Only a little different.


  • It should look like a cylinder! Use fig.set_size_inches(6, 6, forward=True) to make the graph the correct size - if the figure window isn't square, the cylinder will not actually look...cylindrical.
  • Don't forget to make it not blue!


  • It should look like a sphere! Use fig.set_size_inches(6, 6, forward=True) to make the graph the correct size - if the figure window isn't square, the sphere will not actually look...spherical.
  • Don't forget to make it not blue!


  • It should look like a cone! Use fig.set_size_inches(6, 6, forward=True) to make the graph the correct size
  • Don't forget to use a color map!