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I come from Charlottesville, Virginia and I am currently a freshman at Duke. I have created this page because I was told to do it or else... Why are only two restaurants at Duke open 24/7? Why does Chick-Fil-A close so early?

Cool Stuff

This is the illest stuff on the planet:

  • bunny rabbits
  • specifically english lops
  • chocolate
  • more chocolate
  • music
  • anything really, even new-age dubstep

School Stuff

Here is the link to somewhere we can mess around with editing Wikipedia pages: Sandbox

The guy who teaches my EGR103 Lecture and Lab is Michael Gustafson [1]

This is my school Duke University

Numbered lists

Top five reasons I should try to be Batman

  1. Sweet car
  2. Really rich
  3. Beat up bad guys and arrive on time for a nice dinner at my personally owned restaurant
    1. And I get my own table even if the restaurant is full
  4. I get sweet gadgets

Grand Challenges

One of the challenges in the Grand Challenges for Engineering is to create Nuclear Fusion and get energy:

Nuclear Fusion: Energy of the Stars, With No Emissions, Spiegel Online International, created 2 January 2009, accessed 9 September 2012 (General)

I Don't Know What Else to Put Here

Believe it or not, 1=2 [2]
