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Hello fellow Pratt Students! My name is Teddy Franceschi and I am currently a freshman at Duke. I am from upstate New York (Rochester if you have even heard of it) but I was born in Southern California. I chose to come to Duke because Pratt seemed to be the only engineering school where I saw engineers happily working together and actually having a good time. I am looking forward to my next 4/5 years here as well as the connections I will make.

As of now, I am hoping to major in Biomedical Engineering and Electrical & Computer Engineering. Other goals/interests I have include, Studying Abroad (Germany), travelling with DEID (Costa Rica or Brazil), working with Duke Makers, doing research in the biomedical field, and finally becoming a part of the Duke community!

Here is a link to a Grand Challenge article regarding the reverse enginerring of the brain., Fred Hapgood, MIT News Magazine, July 1, 2006 (Reverse-Engineering the Brain)

My "favorite" demonstration was the "Optimizing Non-linear Functions" demo. I found this to potentially useful when our Calc 3 class finally starts with LaGrange multipliers and function optimization.