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About Me

For the purposes of this course, everything significant about me is as follows:

Name: Mindy McTeigue

NetID: mjm110

Reason for creating this page: EGR103 Homework Assignment 1

Grade: Freshman

Course: EGR103 with Gustafson

Lecture Section: MW from 11:45-1:00

Lab: Section 7C on Thursday from 8:30-11:20

The Actual Assignment

A Grand Challenge for Engineering: Reverse Engineer the Brain An interesting article: [ Reverse Engineer the Brain], National Academy of Engineering, updated 2012, accessed 10 September 2013 (Reverse Engineering the Brain)

MATLAB Demonstration: Images and Matrices My favorite demonstration is the Matlab Images and Matrices demonstration because I didn't previously have any idea how matrices related to visual pictures, especially complex ones. Seeing different indices corresond to different colored blocks really cleared up the idea of not only how images work in Matlab, but it also gave me a clearer notion of how computer imaging in general could work. Plus, I appreciated the final image that was generated in this demo - it's "cool factor" set it apart from the other images that required more background knowledge to appreciate; the complexity here clearly stood on it's own. It was this initially shallow cool factor that incited me to really invest in understanding the rest of the script.