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My name is Leeviana

Pronounced LEE - vee - ANNA (...that's clear enough, right?). My last name is Gray which is much easier to figure out how to pronounce. If you're not sure, go consult Crayola or some place similar.


My favorite demonstration was the vibrating logo one. I first scrolled down and clicked on it because it sounded neat and it didn't disappoint me. The motion made it fascinating (and made me stop and just stare at the screen for quite a while) and that is definitely something I'd like to play around with in MATLAB later on. None of the other demos I looked at after were quite as interesting, although I think my preference for this demo also stems from the fact that I was working with planes and curves in space in the hours prior to deciding to finish my EGR53 homework. (Multivariable Calculus homework, yay!)

Grand Challenges for Engineering Article

Infrastructure, the Economy: Hello! — They’re Linked!, Jonathan D. Miller, The CitiStates Group, updated 2 October 2008, accessed 18 September 2011 (Improving Infrastructure)