EGR 103/DAQ 2

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This page contains pictures and graphs related to DAQ 2 for EGR 103. It has been updated for Spring 2018.


  • As before, if the system seems to not recognize Dev1, try Dev2 instead.
  • Here is the web page for MATLAB default plot colors: Link
  • MATLAB:Flexible Programming


There are pause commands in the code which will cause the program to...pause - specifically when the program first runs to check the lights. You will need to hit a key to un-pause the program. The way to see if the program is paused is to look at the bottom left corner of your MATLAB window - it will tell you if it is paused.

Graph Labels

For this assignment, you do not need labels or titles for graphs. In a later assignment, you will add them.

Circuit for BasicAOutput

Circuit layout for BasicAOutput - You only need the left-most circuit, however


Circuit for BasicAIO

Circuit layout for BasicAIO - You only need the left-most circuit, however


Graph from BasicAIO

Graph showing output when

Vout = 2.5+2.5*sin(2*pi*k/100);

That is,

\( \begin{align} V_{out}=2.5+2.5\sin\left(\frac{2\pi k}{100}\right) \end{align} \)


Circuit for AIO

Circuit layout for AIO - You only need the left-most circuit, however


Graph from AIO

Graph showing outputs from three measurement channels. Note at the far left that they all start at either exactly -1 V or 0 V!

New Colors: Blue Orange Yellow Purple Green Cyan


Pasting codes from PDF files is...a bad idea. Here are the text versions of some of the codes in the assignment.


% Initialize workspace and graph
clear; format short e; figure(1); clf; daqreset;

% Create a session
s = daq.createSession('ni');

% set sample rate
SampleRate = 1000;
s.Rate = SampleRate;

% Add channel 0 to output
chO = addAnalogOutputChannel(s,'Dev1',[0],'Voltage'); 

% Review card information
% Write values to output channel
outputSingleScan(s, [5]); 
fprintf('Press return to continue\n');
outputSingleScan(s, [0]);  

% Use loop to set several different voltages
for k=1:300
    % Calculate voltages for each channel
    Vout = 2.5+2.5*sin(2*pi*k/100);
    % Put voltage to output channel
    outputSingleScan(s, [Vout])

% Turn output off
outputSingleScan(s, [0]);


% Initialize workspace and graph
clear; format short e; figure(1); clf; daqreset;

% Create a session
s = daq.createSession('ni');

% set sample rate
SampleRate = 1000;
s.Rate = SampleRate;

% Add channel 0 to output
chO = addAnalogOutputChannel(s,'Dev1',[0],'Voltage'); 
% Add channels 0-3 to input
chI = addAnalogInputChannel(s,'Dev1',[0],'Voltage');

% Review card information

% Write values to output channel
outputSingleScan(s, [5]); 
fprintf('Press return to continue\n');
outputSingleScan(s, [0]);  

% Use loop to set several different voltages
for k=1:300
    % Calculate voltages for each channel
    Vout = 2.5+2.5*sin(2*pi*k/100);
    % Put voltage to output channel
    outputSingleScan(s, [Vout])
    % Read voltage from input channel
    Voltages(k,:) = inputSingleScan(s);

% Turn output off
outputSingleScan(s, [0]);  

% Plot voltage versus index
n = 1:k;
Vtotal  = Voltages(:,1);
plot(n, Vtotal, 'r')
legend('Total Voltage', 'Location', 'Best')


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External Links
