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Ulises Muñoz

From Los Angeles, CA

Duke University Class of 2014

Phonetic Pronunciation of my name

Ulises (you-lee-CES) stress is on the last syllable

Favorite Demonstration

My favorite demonstration was the Traveling Salesman demo. Although I did not really understand the purpose behind it, I was fascinated by the coding that was used in creating a program like that. Most of the codes that was used, I rarely understood. However seeing that coding can develop something so amazing like that makes me more motivated to learn coding so that I can create a program similar to the Traveling Salesman demo in the near future.

External Links

1. Virtual Reality-Enhanced Stroke RehabilitationDavid Jack, Rares Boian, IEEE Transaction on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, updated September 2001,accessed 08 February 2011 ( Virtual Reality)