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Who Am I?

Samantha Wind
Freshman in EGR103L on Mondays and Fridays @ 1:25 PM - 2:40 PM, Fall 2017
Certified #Prattstar

National Academy of Engineering (NAE) Grand Challenges for Engineering - Providing Access to Clean Water

Below is a link to an article about a new technology developed to address the lack of access to clean water in developing countries.

New Device Pulls Drinking Water from the Air, Using Only Solar Energy, David Z. Morris, Fortune Magazine, 16 April 2017, 21 September 2017 (Providing Clean Water)

My Favorite MATLAB Demonstration

My favorite MATLAB demonstration is the Teapot graphics demo because it not only features an object that evokes fond memories of cherishing a cup of tea, but it also demonstrates the extraordinary capabilities of MATLAB. Most importantly, this demonstration offers a model for the type of GUI interfaces I aspire to be able to create with MATLAB code in the future.

Q & A

Q. What do you think you will major in?
A. Not BME! Still undecided otherwise, but leaning towards Civil or Environmental Engineering with a certificate in Global Development Engineering.

Q. What is your favorite class?
A. EGR 103, of course! My life would be incomplete without MATLAB and LaTeX.

Q. Who is your ~grooviest~ professor?
A. The one-and-only Professor Michael Gustafson, obviously!

Q. Puppy-sized elephants or elephant-sized puppies?
A. Puppy-sized elephants!