EGR 103/Concept List/S22
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- 1 Lecture 1 - 1/7 - Course Introduction
- 2 Lecture 2 - 1/10- Programs and Programming
- 3 Lecture 3 - 1/14 - Indexing and "Number" Types
- 4 Lecture 4 - 1/21 - Other Types, Formatted Printing
- 5 Lecture 5 - 1/24 - Functions
- 6 Lecture 6 - 1/28 - Relational Operators, Decisions, and Loops
- 7 Lecture 7 - 1/31 - More on Loops; Dictionaries
- 8 Lecture 8 - 2/4 - Iterative Methods
- 9 Lecture 9 - 2/7 - Binary
- 10 Lecture 10 - 2/11 - Monte Carlo Methods
Lecture 1 - 1/7 - Course Introduction
- Main class page: EGR 103L.
- See information on PDF of slide show on Sakai in Resources section
- Sakai page: Sakai 103L page; grades, surveys and tests, some assignment submissions
- Pundit page: EGR 103; reference lists
- Ed page: 103L page; message board for questions
Lecture 2 - 1/10- Programs and Programming
- Almost all languages have input, output, math, conditional execution (decisions), and repetition (loops)
- Seven steps of programming The Seven Steps Poster
- Watch video on Developing an Algorithm
- Watch video on A Seven Step Approach to Solving Programming Problems
- Consider how to decide if a number is a prime number - code is available in the Box drive for the class under Lectures / Lec 03
- To play with Python:
- Install it on your machine or a public machine: Download
- Quick tour of Python
- Editing window, variable explorer, and console
- Main numerical types: whole numbers (int) and numbers with decimals (float)
- + - * // (rounded division) and % (remainder / modula) produce in if both sides are an int, float if either or both are floats
- / (regular division) and // (rounded division) produces float with ints or floats
- ** to do powers
Lecture 3 - 1/14 - Indexing and "Number" Types
- Demonstrated how cells work in Spyder editor
- Slices allow us to extract information from a collection or change information in mutable collections
- a[0] is the element in a at the start
- a[3] is the element in a three away from the start
- a[-1] is the last element of a
- a[-2] is the second-to-last element of a
- a[:] is all the elements in a because what is really happening is:
- a[start:until] where start is the first index and until is just *past* the last index;
- a[3:7] will return a[3] through a[6] in a 4-element array
- a[start:until:increment] will skip indices by increment instead of 1
- To go backwards, a[start:until:-increment] will start at an index and then go backwards until getting at or just past until.
- For 2-D arrays, you can index items with either separate row and column indices or indices separated by commas:
- a[2][3] is the same as a[2, 3]
- Only works for arrays!
- Getting values from a user:
VAR = input("prompt: ")
will ask the user for a value and stores whatever they type as a stringNUM = int(VAR)
will convert the item in VAR to an integer if it looks like an integer; error otherwiseNUM = float(VAR)
will convert the item in VAR to a float if it looks like a float; error otherwise
- Finished prime number checker - code is available in the Box drive for the class under Lectures / Lec 03
- Looked at for loops for running code multiple times
- Looked at if...else trees for making decisions
- Created a variable to track whether we thought the number was prime
- Python doesn't know everything to start with; may need to import things
import MODULE
means usingMODULE.function()
to runimport MODULE as NAME
means usingNAME.function()
to runfrom MODULE import FUNCTION
means usingFUNCTION()
to runfrom MODULE import *
means bringing in everything from the module under their own names - dangerous!
- Python is a "typed" language - variables have types. We will use several types:
- Focus of the day: int, float, and array
- Focus a little later: string, list, tuple
- Focus later: dictionary, set
- Focus way later: map, filter, zip
- int: integers; Python 3 can store these perfectly
- float: floating point numbers - "numbers with decimal points" - Python sometimes has problems storing floating point items exactly
- array
- Requires numpy, usually with
import numpy as np
- Organizational unit for storing rectangular arrays of numbers
- Generally create with np.array(LIST) where depth of nested LIST is dimensionality of array
- np.array([1, 2, 3]) is a 1-dimensional array with 3 elements
- np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]) is a 2-dimension array with 2 rows and 3 columns
- Requires numpy, usually with
- Math with "Number" types works the way you expect
- ** * / // % + -
- With arrays, * and / work element by element; *matrix* multiplication is a different character (specifically, @)
- Relational operators can compare "Number" Types and work the way you expect with True or False as an answer
- < <= == >= > !=
- With arrays, either same size or one is a single value; result will be an array of True and False the same size as the array
Lecture 4 - 1/21 - Other Types, Formatted Printing
- Lists are set off with [ ] and entries can be any valid type (including other lists!); entries can be of different types from other entries; list items can be changed and mutable items within lists can be changed. Lists can be "grown" by using += with the list.
- Tuples are indicated by commas without square brackets (and are usually shown with parentheses - which are required if trying to make a tuple an entry in a tuple or a list); tuple items cannot be changed but mutable items within tuples can be
- Strings are set off with " " or ' ' and contain characters; string items cannot be changed
- For lists, tuples, and strings:
- Using + concatenates the two collections
- Using * with them makes creates a collection with the original repeated that many times
- Using += will create a new item with something appended to the old item; the "something" needs to be the same type (list, tuple, or string); this may seem to break the "can't be changed" rule but really
a += b
isa = a + b
which creates a newa
- Creating formatted strings using {} and .format() (format strings, standard format specifiers) -- focus was on using s for string and e or f for numerical types, minimumwidth.precision, and possibly a + in front to force printing + for positive numbers.
- Using {} by themselves will substitute items in order from the
function into the string that gets created - Putting a number in the {} will tell
which thing to get - Format specification comes after a : in the {}; if you do not specify a location index, you still have to put a colon in the {}
- {:s} means string and {:Xs} where X is an integer means reserve at least that much space for a left-formatted string
- {:f} means floating point (default 6 digits after decimal point) and {:X.Yf} reserves at least X spaces (including + or - and the . if it is there) with Y digits after the decimal point for t right-justified number
- {:e} means floating point (default 6 digits after decimal point) and {:X.Ye} reserves at least X spaces (including + or - and the . if it is there and the letter e and the + or - after the e and the two or three digit number after that) with Y digits after the decimal point for t right-justified number
- Using {} by themselves will substitute items in order from the
- Aside - Format Specification Mini-Language has all the possibilities; we will cover some but not all of these in later classes
- You can enter numbers in scientific notation with a number followed by the letter 3 and then a number or negative number for the power of 10; for example,
x = 6.02e23
ore = -1.6e-19
- float can convert scientific notation as well:
- To read more:
Lecture 5 - 1/24 - Functions
- Defined functions can be multiple lines of code and have multiple outputs.
def FNAME(local1, local2, ...): CODE return THING1, THING2, ...
- Four different types of input parameters - we mainly talked about the first two kinds:
- Required (listed first)
- Named with defaults (second)
- We will cover the other kinds in more detail later
- Additional positional arguments ("*args") (third)
- Function will create a tuple containing these items in order
- Additional keyword arguments ("**kwargs") (last)
- Function will create a dictionary of keyword and value pairs
- Additional positional arguments ("*args") (third)
- Function ends when indentation stops or when the function hits a return statement
- Return returns single item as an item of that type; if there are multiple items returned, they are stored and returned in a tuple
- If there is a left side to the function call, it either needs to be a single variable name or a tuple with as many entries as the number of items returned
- Four different types of input parameters - we mainly talked about the first two kinds:
Lecture 6 - 1/28 - Relational Operators, Decisions, and Loops
- <= < == >= > != work with many types; just be careful about interpreting
can reverse whileand
can combine logical expressions- Basics of decisions using if...elif...else
- Must have logic after if
- Can have as many elif with logic after
- Can have an else without logic at the end
- Flow is solely dependent on indentation!
- Branches can contain other trees for follow-up questions
- If you have an array of logical True and False values, use ARRAY.all() to determine if all the entries are true or ARRAY.any() to determine if one or more are true.
- Basics of while loops and for loops.
- Using a list to keep track of counts.
- Characters in strings have "numerical" values based on the ASCII table (
- Numbers are earlier than lower case letters; lower case letters are earlier than upper case letters
- Strings are sorted character by character; if one string is shorter than another, it is considered less
- "Hello" < "Hi" since the "e" comes before the "i"
- "Zebra" < "apple" since the upper case "Z" is before the lower case "a"
- "go" < "gone" since the first two characters match and then the word is done
- To get the numerical value of a single character, use
or replace the A with the character you want - To get the character a number represents, use
- To apply either ord or chr to multiple items, use a
; to see the results, make alist
out of the map - Trinket
Lecture 7 - 1/31 - More on Loops; Dictionaries
- break will break out of a loop early, while continue will cause a loop to go to its next iteration immediately
- Using the
type to provide a collection of indices and values to a loop - Dictionaries are collections of key : value pairs set off with { }; keys can be any immutable type (int, float, string, tuple) and must be unique; values can be any type and do not need to be unique
- d[KEY] = VALUE will add the VALUE to the dictionary with a key of KEY
- d[KEY] will return the value associated with the KEY if there is one OR will give an error if there is not
- d.get(KEY) will return the value associated with KEY if there is one or None if there is not
- d.get(KEY, DEFAULT) will return the value associated with KEY if there is one or default if there is not
- Dictionary at tutorialspoint
- Translation demo with Morse code and NATO phonetic alphabet
Lecture 8 - 2/4 - Iterative Methods
- Taylor series fundamentals
- Maclaurin series approximation for exponential uses Chapra 4.2 to compute terms in an infinite sum.
- so
- Newton Method for finding square roots uses Chapra 4.2 to iteratively solve using a mathematical map. To find \(y\) where \(y=\sqrt{x}\):
\( \begin{align} y_{init}&=1\\ y_{new}&=\frac{y_{old}+\frac{x}{y_{old}}}{2} \end{align} \) - See Python version of Fig. 4.2 and modified version of 4.2 in the Resources section of Sakai page under Chapra Pythonified
Lecture 9 - 2/7 - Binary
- Different number systems convey information in different ways.
- Roman Numerals
- Chinese Numbers
- Binary Numbers
- We went through how to convert between decimal and binary
- Floats (specifically double precision floats) are stored with a sign bit, 52 fractional bits, and 11 exponent bits. The exponent bits form a code:
- 0 (or 00000000000): the number is either 0 or a denormal
- 2047 (or 11111111111): the number is either infinite or not-a-number
- Others: the power of 2 for scientific notation is 2**(code-1023)
- The largest number is thus just *under* 2**1024 (ends up being (2-2**-52)**1024\(\approx 1.798\times 10^{308}\).
- The smallest normal number (full precision) is 2**(-1022)\(\approx 2.225\times 10^{-308}\).
- The smallest denormal number (only one significant binary digit) is 2**(-1022)/2**53 or 5e-324.
- When adding or subtracting, Python can only operate on the common significant digits - meaning the smaller number will lose precision.
- (1+1e-16)-1=0 and (1+1e-15)-1=1.1102230246251565e-15
- Avoid intermediate calculations that cause problems: if x=1.7e308,
- (x+x)/x is inf
- x/x + x/x is 2.0
- $$e^x=\lim_{n\rightarrow \infty}\left(1+\frac{x}{n}\right)^n$$
# Exponential Demo
<syntaxhighlightlang=python> import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def exp_calc(x, n):
return (1 + x/n)**n
if __name__ == "__main__":
n = np.logspace(0, 17, 1000) y = exp_calc(1, n) fig, ax = plt.subplots(num=1, clear=True) ax.semilogx(n, y) fig.savefig('ExpDemoPlot1.png') # Focus on right part n = np.logspace(13, 16, 1000) y = exp_calc(1, n) fig, ax = plt.subplots(num=2, clear=True) ax.semilogx(n, y) fig.savefig('ExpDemoPlot2.png')
Lecture 10 - 2/11 - Monte Carlo Methods
- From Wikipedia: Monte Carlo method
- Wrote program to flip one coin, flip many coins, and keep track of flips
- one_coin, many_coins, too_many_coins in Box folder for Lec 10
- Wrote program to roll on die, roll many dice, and keep track of rolls; also wrote a program to see how often "n of a kind" happens
- one_die, many_dice, same in Box folder for Lec 10
- Discussed Random Walks and went through code that will graph results - documented version of walker code: