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I go by Jack. My legal name is Ang Li which sounds just like the name of movie director Ang Lee. If you are still having a hard time trying to pronounce my Chinese name, it sounds like Leon.


I lived in Wenzhou, China up to the age of 16. After that, I moved to Singapore for my high school. I like to play basketball and some other sports like soccer or table tennis. I often spend my spare time reading books and watching movies. Not surprisingly, I am the only child in my family.

Favorite Demo

My favorite demo is World Traveler. It reminds me of the various long trips which I have taken and I want to create a similar demo which will show all the places I have been to. I love to travel if I have enough money.

Grand Challenges of Engineering

Prevent Nuclear Terror

Anti-terror Measures at U.S. Nuclear Plants Eben Kaplan,, April 14, 2006, Last Accessed Sept 22, 2011 (Grand Challenge)