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Short Introduction

My name is Wenda Ye and I was born in Jiangxi, China. I immigrated to the United States when I was four years old and lived in New York for a short while. Then, over the next fourteen years I moved from New York to Chicago to San Diego to Gainesville and finally to Durham. I haven't stayed in one place for more than five years, and seeing as how I am graduating in four years, I will probably be moving around again. Right now, I am living in Bell Tower and my roommate is Alex Pien. I am currently a freshman engineering student of the Pratt School of Engineering at Duke University. However, I really don't know why I applied to Pratt instead of to Trinity School of Arts and Sciences.

Name Pronunciation

My first name is pronounced "When-duh". Example sentence my friends came up with: "When da heck are you going to finish eating?" (Yes, that is what my first name sounds like). My last name, Ye, is pronounced "yeah!" (it has to be emphatic, but not necessarily loud).

Grand Challenges for Engineering

After looking around on the Grand Challenges for Engineering page, this article grabbed my attention: Reverse Engineering the Brain, Sally Adee, IEEE Spectrum, June 2008, accessed 23 September 2010

Matlab Demos

My favorite section was the gallery with all of the different shapes/logos created within Matlab. Although I knew that Matlab had a graphing function to it, I found it really interesting that Matlab could be used to create such complex designs using code.