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About Me

My name is Robert (I go by Bobby) Plybon, and I am in the class of 2010 at Duke University, in the Pratt School of Engineering. I'm from Atlanta, Ga (not Hotlanta- no one from the ATL actually calls it that).

Name Pronunciation

Pretty much everyone knows how to pronounce "Bobby," but the "Plybon" always seems to be an issue. My family pronounces my name "Bob-ee PLY-bon," like plywood and bon-bons combined.

Grand Challenges of Engineering

  • [1], Terry Sejnowski, Scientific American, created April 27, 2010, accessed September 23, 2010 (Reverse Engineering the Brain)

Favorite Demo

My favorite demo is probably the "Viewing a Penny" demo, because it is amazing to see how detailed a MATLAB plot can be. I also am amazed by the program itself, because I don't fully understand it as of now. Maybe one day...