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About Me:

Hi! My name is Meghan Gill and I have from New Jersey. I live about 20 minutes from the shore and enjoy going for runs, baking with my mom, and getting coffee with friends. I also love spending time with my dog, Toby, who I miss soooooo much.

What I Am Studying at Duke:

At Duke I plan on majoring in biomedical engineering with a minor or concentration in economics and neuroscience. I'm very interested in prosthetics, particularly neural prosthetics and prosthetics involving para-athletes. I hope to combine education from multiple fields to make a positive impact on the lives of those with special needs in a way that is affordable and accessible.

Clubs I Am Joining:

Club Soccer

Society of Women Engineers

Duke Enable

Project Tadpole

Intramural Pickle Ball

Grand Challenge:

[1], Barun Singh, MIT Technology Review, 1 June 2005, accessed 13 September 2022 (Reverse-engineer the Brain)