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Revision as of 22:55, 17 February 2022 by Kseniia (talk | contribs)
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Hello! My name is Kseniia and I am a first-year student at Duke. On this page, you can find some information about me and my life!


I was born and raised in Moscow, Russia. I grew up in a completely different culture and I still can't adapt to the American lifestyle. I always wanted to study abroad, but I could never imagine that I will have an opportunity to study in the US. Duke has been my dream school for years and I am very happy to be here!


Other than studying, I love watching movies (and one day I want to write a script for one!), cooking, swimming and travelling!

Academic and career interests

I want to major in Biomedical engineering and work in the biotechnology industry. I participated in pEdge (project Edge) at Duke, which introduced me to all the innovation opportunities at the university and now I want to be an entrepreneur, so I want to start my own company one day!

Fun facts

Some random things about me:

- I lived in Germany for a couple of months (and I also speak German fluently)
- My favorite book is Doctor Zhivago by Boris Pasternak
- I've never been to the US before coming to Duke
- I think Christopher Nolan is the best filmmaker of all times
- I learned English by watching YouTube and Netflix

Grand Challenges for Engineering

Nanowires may boost solar cell efficiency, USCD Jacobs School of Engineering, 13 May 2008, Accessed 17 February 2022 (Make solar energy economical)