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Revision as of 20:40, 1 February 2022 by IvyReinmiller (talk | contribs)
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About Me

My name is Ivy, and I am from Galveston, Texas. A few fun facts about me are, my favorite color is orange, I love Cheetos, I am not a big fan of wearing shoes, and I have two dogs. I am currently planning to major in mechanical engineering.

Name Pronunciation

Ivy is pronounced by saying the name of the letter "I" and then the name of the letter "V". Reinmiller is pronounced by saying "rhine" as in the river and then "miller" as in someone who operates a mill.

Grande Challenges for Engineers

[1], Matthew Gunther, Chemistry World, 18 August 2015, accessed 1 February 2022, (Provide Access to Clean Water)