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About Me

My name is Emily Yagoda and I am a first-year student studying Biomedical Engineering in the Pratt School of Engineering at Duke University. I am currently involved with Engineering Student Government, Duke University Debating Society, and Duke Impact Investing Group.

Name Pronunciation

My first name is pronounced eh-mi-lee, or /ˈɛməliː/ if we're being fancy. Someone once told me that the name is derived from the Roman family name "Aemilius" but I think my parents couldn't decide on a name and went with the first one they collectively thought of. To make up for having such a common name, I have a very rare last name. Yagoda sounds like yuh-go-duh. Like Yoda, with a few extra letters. Or, as my Algebra II teacher called me, the silver (Ag) in Yoda.

Current Courses

I am currently taking:

Grand Challenges for Engineering Articles

Of the articles currently posted on the Grand Challenges for Engineering page, I found the following quite interesting:


Emily Yagoda 17:00, 1 October 2021 (EST)