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Hello there

I'm Lindsay Hu 胡力臻 (Hu Li Chen). I spent the past 18 years of my life between Taiwan and Hong Kong, identifying as a Taiwanese who studied high school in a Singaporean international school in Hong Kong. It's a mouthful. Probably studying Environmental Engineering.

Just tryin to write something so I can get my EGR103L Homework 1 done soon...

Grand Challenges for Engineering: Article

One thing I realised (and yes, I use British spelling because IB) about these sources as that they are super outdated. So there's this article written back in 2008 titled "5 things your car will finally do in 2020". Considering it's 2019 now, isn't it fitting to review what expectations we had ten years ago?

5 things your car will finally do in 2020, John Brandon, CNN, updated 12 March 2008, accessed 12th September 2019 (Restore and improve urban infrastructure)

as a side note, I did not realise this article was on Dr. Gustafson's user page. It was an independently made choice.