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About Me

User page of Alexandra Walker (abw35).I'm from Los Altos, California, a small town just outside of San Francisco, and am currently a freshman in Pratt, intending to major in Biomedical engineering. I have two brothers, Michael and Cameron; Cameron also attends Duke and is currently a junior studying BME as well. My parents are from England, so I have dual citizenship, but no accent to show for it.I currently play on the Duke club soccer team and have also recently just joined the SMART tutoring program, where a group of Duke students volunteer at local hospitals tutoring children with long term illnesses.

Grand Challenges for Engineers

Sound separates cancer cells from blood samples, A'ndrea Elyse Messer, Penn State, created 06 April 2015, accessed 12 September 2015 (Engineer Better Medicine)

Useful Matlab Demonstrations

For Pratt Pundit Homework 2, I explored various Matlab demonstrations to further my understanding of Matlab features. The most useful demonstration was the matrix manipulation sample code. In lecture, we had learned how to form and multiply matrices, and this demonstration built upon prior knowledge and showed how little differences, such as A*B versus A.*B, could completely change the resulting matrix. I also enjoy looking at the 3D plotting sample script, yet was slightly confused as to how these actually work. Dr. Simmons had demonstrated a mesh grid very briefly in class, so I vaguely understand that the code adds the z axis, yet do not have full faith in my ability to create my own mesh. This demonstration reinforced the structure of inputs to output a 3D plot, but also showed me that I still need more practice with 3D plotting.