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My name is Charlie Hansen-Reed and I am from Bellevue Nebraska. I am 18 years old and I am intending to major in Mechanical Engineering at Duke University.


In my free time in Nebraska I work a lot with my hands, blacksmithing, knife making, cabinetry work, and much more. I also am an avid outdoorsman and usually end up camping or backpacking three or four weeks out of the year at least. I also have a group of friends that I go shooting with on the weekends. Music is also a big part of my life and when at home if I am not in my 600 sq. foot workshop I can usually be found playing the piano, harmonica, guitar, or trumpet. I am also in the process of learning to play the flute and the violin, but life has gotten a bit busy for that now!

Extra Curricular

In high school I played first trumpet in the marching band, played as first chair trumpet in the pit orchestra, and was the pianist for the top jazz group. I also shot trap on the schools topmost squad, competed in an engineering/design competition successfully, and became an eagle scout.

Extra Bits

Filling up space so I can see what the table of contents looks like.

More Stuff

Same as above!

Grand Challenges Link

New lab aims to advance solar energy industry, Joe Kullman and Karen Leland, Arizona State University, July 11, 2008, September 13 (Make Solar Energy Economical)

Favorite MATLAB Demo

My favorite MATLAB demo was the 3-D Plots demo. It was my favorite because it shows of some pretty neat visualization techniques MATLAB uses. Also, it looks like I imagine the 'Matrix.'