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Revision as of 18:17, 13 September 2015 by Udoshi (talk | contribs)
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About Me

I'm a member of the Duke Class of 2019. I plan on double-majoring in Biomedical Engineering and Math, as a pre-med, but I'm still exploring my options! I'm from Portland, Oregon and I've lived there my entire life so I'm still adjusting to the East Coast and the sheer amount of sun!

Name Pronunciation

A lot of people think of it like Uma as in Uma Thurman. I guess phonetically it's more like OO-ma Doe-shee, but it's really not that accentuated. The official IPA way of writing my name is [ˈjumə] [ˈdoʊʃi]...but I think that just makes everything more confusing.

Grand Challenge Link

Reverse-Engineering the Brain, Fred Hapgood, MIT Technology Review, created July 1 2006, accessed September 13 2015 (Reverse-Engineering the Brain)