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I'm Katherine Van Dyk, a freshman at Duke University. I'm planning to major in biomedical engineering, since it meshes my interests together best. I'm from Marlton, New Jersey, which is right outside of Philadelphia. I attended public school up until the end of 8th grade, at which point I decided to attend private high school. I graduated from Bishop Eustace Preparatory School, where I was valedictorian and in the National Honor Society, National Latin Honor Society, among others. I played the violin in my school's chamber and pit orchestras, although most of my violin career centers around the Rowan Youth Orchestra, where I was concertmaster for two years. I also swam for my high school's varsity team; some of the fondest memories from my senior year are from the state championship meet, where I led my team as captain. I also was president of the math and yearbook clubs.