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About Me

My name is Lisa and I am a student at Duke. People call me Lisa. I have been to every continent except South America (does Costa Rica count?), Antarctica and Africa. I have a dog at home and he is 9 years old. He is a Wire Fox Terrier. My favourite colour is purple and I like watching abc family shows like Switched at Birth and Once Upon a Time.

My Future Job

I really want to be an astronaut but I have very bad eyesight so unless I get a lasik eye surgery, I won't be able to be one. A more realistic job might be to become a doctor or a mechanical engineer...

My Hobbies

I love playing board games like Connect Four, Othello and Chess. I am the Queen of Chess. I have been playing for over a hundred years now and if anyone can beat me at chess, it is my 200 year old grandfather.

My Room

My room is ALWAYS neat. I keep everything in its own place and I love to clean my room. When it is messy, I cannot stand it.