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My name's Jesse Rencurrell Pollack, and this is my story.

About Me

I'm a freshman at Duke University. I am currently majoring in some sort of engineering, but I may or may not switch out of pratt at the end of the semester(we'll see if engineering is the right course for me). So far I think it's...ok. We'll see what happens. Currently I'm in Taekwondo(just starting) and am very interested in groups like Blue Devils United and the Center for Race Relations.


If for some reason you can't pronounce Jesse, it's Jesse. JEH-SSEE. Rencurrell is REHN-KUR-RELL. Pollack is PAUL-ICK.

TV Shows I Like

Avatar the Last Airbender: Legitimately the best show ever aired on television Doctor Who: Yeah, I'm a Whovian. I know you are too professor Gustafson(10 point bonus?). But yeah I loved seasons 1-4 but the seasons Moffat started writing were really bad in my opinion. Breaking Bad, Parks and Recreation, Louie(Louie Louie Louie Louieeeeeeee), SEINFELD (Jerry, just remember, it's not a lie if you believe it), and Curb Your Enthusiasm are other amazing shows.

Grand Challenge for Engineering

3D Systems Announces Simbionix Virtual Reality Surgical Simulation Training Module, 3D, updated September 15 2014, accessed 15 September 2014(Enhance Virtual Reality)