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Personal Life

My name is Adarsh Ettyreddy, and I am from Gaithersburg, MD. I am approximately 5' 9" and weigh 128 pounds and love to play PING PONG!


I love to play ping pong and basketball as well as ride my bicycle through a park on a fresh spring morning.


  • Homework #1:

[ Reverse Engineerng the Brain David Adler dreams of a Google map for the human brain] Sally Adee IEEE Spectrum, updated 1 June 2008, accessed 21 January 2009 (Grand Challenge)

  • Homework #2:

The tutorial that I thought was neat was the: Convert Between Image Sequences and Video tutorial. I liked this tutorial because I can create my own video by stringing together images with MATLAB so it is basically showing me how recording stuff works.