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Revision as of 17:15, 14 September 2014 by Pbc8 (talk | contribs)
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Random Basic Information

My name is Paul Cruz, I'm a freshman at Duke, I'm in Pratt, and this is my user page. I'm trying to double major in ECE and Computer Science. I'm originally from Houston, Texas. I went to a really small charter school there. I'm in Blackwell now.


  • League of legends - I'm a Lucian main! I'm also extremely bad at this game. I haven't finished my provisionals. I'm honestly not sure when I'll finish my provisionals.
  • CS:GO - I'm also pretty bad at this game, but it's fun to play whenever I'm tired of league.
  • Tennis - I used to play competitively (years ago) and wanted to start again, so I figured now is the time.
  • Basketball - Never played competitively, but I like to play pickup games at Brodie from time to time.
  • Running - Just a fun hobby.
  • Coding - I'm pretty fluent in Java and C++. I've had some experience with Python and C# before. I mostly create programs for competitions, or just small games for android phones.

Courses I'm In

  • MATH 212 - 8:30am classes are my favorite ._.
  • EGR 103 - I'm working on an assignment for this class right now. I should start on my lab soon.
  • ECON 201 - Pretty awesome class, I should probably start on the homework for that soon too...
  • COMP SCI 201 - MWF last class of the day.

Homework 1

If You Like immersion, You'll Love This Reality, Farhad Manjoo, The New York Times, updated 2 April 2014, accessed 14 September 2014 (Enhance Virtual Reality)

The article essentially brushes over the prospects and importance of virtual reality, and why so many companies and researcher are currently looking into ways to improve the technology.