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About Me

My name is Kyle Tubman (pronounced how you would naturally read it) and I am from South Florida. I am a freshman, planning to major in Electrical and Computer Engineering here at Duke. I have an older brother and an older sister, both of whom attended the University of Central Florida. I enjoy watching Netflix, playing sports, watching sports, hanging out with friends, and much more. My favorite academic subject is Mathematics with Physics coming in a close second.


- EGR103(L): Computational Methods in Engineering
- MATH212: Multivariable Calculus
- ECON201D: Intermedite Microeconomics
- HIST105: Old Worlds, New Histories

Closing Remarks

I hope to learn a lot in EGR103 and I hope to meet a lot of other cool engineers along the way.

Nanowires May Boost Solar Cell Efficiency, University of California (San Diego), updated February 2008, accessed 17 February 2009 (Make Solar Energy Economical)