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About Me

I am a first year Pratt Student at Duke University. My intended major is environmental engineering. So far, I am really enjoying my classes, but I am excited to explore more interdisciplinary courses in the future. My goal is to be a very involved student on campus, so I am in the process of joining various Duke Clubs. My club interests include Women's Club Soccer, DEID, DSG, and DUU committees.

I LOVE DUKE, and I am pumped for the next four years!!

Name Pronunciation

My name is not usually mispronounced but just for certainty, "Nicki Willis" is pronounced "Ni-Key Will-Iss".

Grand Challenges for Engineering Link

Putting the Science Spotlight on a Raleigh Magnet School, Randy Atkins, NewsObserver, updated 12 February 2013, accessed 8 September 2014

Favorite MATLAB Demonstration

My favorite MATLAB example was Predicting the US Population which used polynomials to predict future values. This code incorporates polynomial equations whose coefficients are derived from a linear system of equations. It allows you to evaluate the polynomial every year for a set amount of time. The example also plots the predictions and compares various degrees of polynomial for the best fit. I like this example because it combines many MATLAB functions to predict a value that is extremely useful to humans as we consider whether the earth can provide for our growing population. Seeing as I am pursuing environmental engineering, I am interested in data that informs us on current and future states of our world.