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Revision as of 23:39, 7 September 2014 by Joejacob (talk | contribs)
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I'm Joe Jacob, and I'm from Long Island, New York. I'm thinking about becoming an ECE major and possibly doubling in Computer Science too. I'm looking forward to learning MATLAB this semester looking forward to the rest of my four years here!

My favorite section of the MATLAB documentation page was probably the section about matrices and arrays. In modern computer science and in many of the programs we use today, matrices and arrays have extremely vital roles in the success of these programs. In the documentation for matrices and arrays, several functions of the tools were showcased, but the one that interested me the most was the one that highlighted the element-wise multiplication. This function was engaging because in the other programming languages I know, I'm unaware of any element-wise multiplication functions, and this was the first language that I've seen that allows it. Ultimately, I believe that my interest in matrices and arrays will definitely be satisfied throughout this semester because MATLAB has surprised me already.

[1], USC Virtebi School of Engineering, created January 08 2009, accessed September 3 2014 (Grand Challenge)