==Samantha Sheppard==
Samantha Sheppard
About Me
I am so excited to be part of Pratt class of 2017. I am planning on being BME, but also considering double majoring in ME, who knows. I am a dancer, I love chocolate cake, and my favorite color is blue.
Grand Challenges
This is an article relating to the Grand Challenge of making solar energy more economical. The article discribes how the company WALL-E is using robotics to make solar planes more efficient and there more more economical.
[1]WALL-E Goes to Work for Cheaper Solar Power, Ucilia Wang, Sithsonian, created 3 September 2013, accessed 13 September 2013 (make solar energy more economical)
MATLAB Demonstrations: Viewing a Penny
My favorite MATLAB demonstration wasviewing a penny. I thought it was interesting to see the different was you can represent the same object, especially when it is as common as a penny. I hadn't ever thought about the actual shape of a penny before.