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Hello there! My name is Grant Emrie and I am currently a freshman at Duke. I am from Golden, Colorado, born and raised, and hope to study either Mechanical or Biomedical Engineering here at Duke. I am on the varsity track team here and do the long jump and the triple jump, and up until now I have played soccer my whole life.

One of the reasons I wanted to do Biomedical Engineering was to form better ways to deliver drugs to certain biological systems and to personalize patient care by using genetics. The link below shows an article on one of these fascinating research projects:

Personalized medicine: revolutionizing drug discovery and patient care, Geoffrey S. Ginsburg and Jeanette J. McCarthy,, TRENDS in Biotechnology Vol. 19 No. 12, updated December 2001, accessed 15 September 2013 (Advance health informatics)

My favorite of the demonstrations on Matlab was the Earth's Topography demonstration. I thought that it was extremely interesting to see that you can write a script in Matlab that will give you a topographical representation of the Earth's surface in three dimensions and in two. Matlab is so exciting!