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About Me

I am a student at Pratt, probably going to study biomedical engineering! I'm from Toronto, Ontario (Canada). I love cliff-jumping at my cottage, and I have a dog.

Name Pronunciation

A-lli-son BRAY-thwayte. It's not too difficult. I'm not even sure how to really pronounce the middle bit of the last name so I won't judge anyone.

Current Courses

Genomes focus! And then EGR 103 (obviously) and Orgo (woot woot!)

Fun Facts

One of my front teeth is bigger than the other one, and it grew in first, so when it grew in my dentist thought maybe my two front teeth had merged into one big tooth, which would have been mildly unfortunate, but it didn't happen so we're all good.

My dorm room colours are purple and green and it looks siiiiick.

Grand Challenges for Engineering

Reverse-Engineering of Human Brain Likely by 2030, Expert Predicts, Priya Ganapati, Wired, updated 16 September 2010, accessed 15 September 2013 (Reverse Engineering the Human Brain)