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About Me

Hey guys, I'm a freshman at Duke University part of the Class of 2013. Oh yeah! I am currently in the Pratt School of Engineering at Duke and am in the direction of majoring with a ECE followed by two minors in BME and French hopefully. As far as computers go, I've been in love since I was three. I'm sorry to window users but I'm a huge mac person. As far as personal skills in computers, I have about four years of experience in the premium Adobe suite and Autodesk Maya. I also have roughly about five years of experiences in programming. Over the years, I have written in MEL(Maya Embedded Language), C++, Java, C#, XAML(silverlight), and C - and I guess technically html but who hasn't.

My Grand Challenge Link

Here Comes the Sun -- and Its Power, Fred White, 10 July 2007, 27 August 2009 (Grand Challenge)