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Revision as of 03:56, 15 September 2013 by Galenar42 (talk | contribs)
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About Me

My name is actually Eeyi Oon. Apparently it doesn't sound like a "real" Asian name. People always seem extremely puzzled when I say I'm of Chinese descent. I am an extremely peculiar mix of Peranakanand Southern. This leads to the linguistic quirk of saying both "Aiya!" and "doggone," sometimes in the same sentence. I am a freshman in the Pratt School of Engineering, and officially undecided. If I survive chemistry, maybe I'll be an electrical engineering someday.

Name Pronunciation

EE as in pEEk. Y as in Yellow. I as in Igloo. Oon as in "moon" without the "m".


  • Reading
  • Internet communities
    • tumblr
    • deviantArt
  • John and Hank Green's videos
  • Food