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Revision as of 18:52, 14 September 2013 by JohnSyme (talk | contribs)
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My name is John Syme. I'm originally from the suburbs of CHI-Town, or Chicago for those who don't understand the parlance of a proud individual from the city of broad shoulders.


My name is pronounced John (like it's normally pronounced) Sy-M.


I hope to major in Engineering here at Duke and possibly double major in economics. I'm, also, interested in studying Arabic in my time at Duke. I hope to become a Titan on industry at some point in my life.


At Duke, I'm involved in Men's Club Rowing, Duke Debate, and House Council for Epworth. I look forward to working hard, learning a lot, and having fun!

[1], Alison Go, US News & World Report, updated 14 August 2008, accessed 14 September 2013 (Provide Energy from Fusion)

Signed: John Syme (jrs90)