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About Me

My name is Alan and I am a student studying at Duke University. I am planning on transfering from Trinity to the Pratt School of Engineering at Duke. I hope to excel in electrical and computer engineering and/or biomedical engineering.


Sports that I enjoy include skiing, rowing, badminton, ping pong, tennis, and swimming, and I enjoy trying out new sports. I also love to eat food and exercise!

My Personality

I am an optimistic person who is open to new experiences but still a little bit reserved. I have been getting much better at being more outgoing since I have arrived at Duke. I like to learn new things, especially things that interest me. I am a very kind, considerate person, and I love to laugh!

Hopes and Dreams

One day, I hope to have a stable family and have an interesting, if not fun career. As of now, I would love to invent something impactful and create my own successful business. I want to be healthy as I continue to grow and age.


Ajg51 (talk) 22:48, 8 September 2013 (EDT)