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About Me

My name is Tamra Nebabu and I am currently a freshman in Pratt. I intend to major in BME with a minor in physics, but we'll see how that goes.

Name Pronunciation

While my name is phonetic, some may have difficulty with the pronunciation. My first name rhymes with "camera" (that is, if you pronounce it with two syllables) and my last name is pronounced NUH-BAH-BOO or NEH-BAH-BOO. I am quite aware of how amusing it can be to say my surname. I am also known around campus as "Batman," which is a more memorable substitute for my name.


Seeing as I have a variety of interests, I have sorted them into two broad categories:

Extracurricular Interests

  • Theater
  • Improv
  • Visual arts (drawing, painting, digital illustration, etc)
  • Music (vocals and piano)
  • Model UN/Debate

Subject Interests

  • Astrophysics
  • Biotechnology
  • AI
  • Creative Writing
  • Trivia

Homework 4: Grand Challenge

Reverse Engineering The Brain to Model Mind-Body Interactions, ScienceDaily, updated 12 June 2008, accessed 01 September 2013 (Reverse-engineer the Brain)


--Tmn14 (talk) 01:45, 28 August 2013 (EDT)