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About Me

I am a student in the Pratt School of Engineering at Duke University, Class of 2016.

Current Projects

Please check out my personal website

Articles of Interest

The Blue Brain Project EPFL, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, July 9, 2012, Sept. 9, 2012 (Reverse-Engineering the Brain)


The most interesting demo I watched was the Game of Life demo (Conway's). Wheres many of the other demos showed ways in which MATLAB enables a user to model real-world data and visualize changing sets of information, this simple program would allow a user to witness an emergent phenomenon that would be difficult to predict beforehand. The Game of Life reminds us that at times even our powerful human intuition and reasoning abilities are unable to untangle the complex behavior that exists all around us. If not MATLAB, perhaps there exists some other software waiting to be written that could expose some of the basic processes like neuronal communication in ways that would be otherwise unachievable without iterative processes and fast computers.