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About Me

My name is Ng Tze Kang and I am an international student from Singapore. I am a freshman enrolled in the Pratt School of Engineering at Duke University, and planning to major in Electrical and Computer Engineering. My interests include all kinds of sports including running, cycling, basketball and in particular swimming. I have been a competitive swimmer for 10 years and I am also in the Duke swim team. I also like to build things and am thinking of joining the motorsports or robotics club.

Name Pronunciation

My name has 1001 different ways to pronounce, so feel free to interpret it however you like. For simplicity, you can also address me as 'Kang'.

Grand Challenges for Engineering Article

Favorite MATLAB Demonstration(s)

I liked many of the MATLAB demonstrations, but two that stood out were the ones on the Loma Prieta Earthquake and 3-D plots. I like the demonstration of the Loma Prieta Earthquake because it shows how scientists and engineers use MATLAB in real life applications and the many tools available to analyze data. The demo on 3-D plots was also interesting because it demonstrates how closely math, science and engineering are related by using knowledge of concepts in multivariable calculus and applying them in MATLAB to solve problems.